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*** 铁盐印相---范戴克 的一些片子***








Rank: 3Rank: 3



962 小时
 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-5 20:35 | 只看该作者
积木歪 发表于 2013-9-5 08:49
明白了 您没试试自己打印菲林 我看网上视频有个自己打印的。


使用道具 举报








Rank: 8Rank: 8



6116 小时
发表于 2013-9-6 07:17 | 只看该作者
孤独的毛驴 发表于 2013-9-5 20:35


使用道具 举报








Rank: 4



5220 小时
发表于 2013-10-6 15:39 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报








Rank: 3Rank: 3


442 小时
发表于 2013-10-25 22:14 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报








Rank: 3Rank: 3


883 小时
发表于 2013-10-25 22:55 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报








Rank: 3Rank: 3



962 小时
 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-1 09:49 | 只看该作者
海河 发表于 2013-10-25 22:14


使用道具 举报








Rank: 3Rank: 3



962 小时
 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-1 09:51 | 只看该作者
SPN 发表于 2013-10-25 22:55

您是问范戴克印相用的感光纸吗,我这里有做:http://www.camgle.com/forum.php? ... d=337470&extra=

使用道具 举报









2 小时
发表于 2013-12-6 06:55 | 只看该作者
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽

使用道具 举报









1 小时
发表于 2019-12-1 22:13 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报








Rank: 2


208 小时
发表于 2019-12-5 10:47 | 只看该作者
<p style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><font size="5"><span class="articlesubhead" style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><trans oldtip="Traditional Kallitype Printing" newtip="传统Kallitype印刷" style="">传统Kallitype铁盐印刷</trans><br><trans oldtip=" A brief introduction" newtip="简介" style="">简介</trans></span><span class="articletext" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><br></span><span class="smalltxt" style="color: rgb(102, 102, 102);"><trans oldtip="Adapted from ** Stevens’ Formulas" newtip="改编自迪克·史蒂文斯的公式">改编自迪克·史蒂文斯的公式</trans><br><trans oldtip=" by ** Sullivan" newtip="迪克·沙利文">迪克·沙利文</trans></span><span class="articletext" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><br><br><trans oldtip=" The Kallitype process dates to the late 19th Century. Often considered to be the poor cousin to the platinum print, it has not received the reputation that it truly deserves today. This may be in part due to the suspicion that it is not permanent. It is true that very early Kallitypes made before fixation was understood may have quickly faded, but my own suspicions are that they may be more permanent than many have suspected. Let me digress for a moment on this important point." newtip="Kallitype过程可以追溯到19世纪末。它常常被认为是白金印刷的穷表亲,至今还没有得到真正应得的声誉。这可能部分是因为怀疑它不是永久性的。的确,早期的Kallitypes在被理解为固定之前就已经消失了,但我自己的怀疑是,它们可能比许多人所怀疑的更持久。请允许我就这一重要问题说几句话。">Kallitype铁盐过程可以追溯到19世纪末。它常常被认为是白金印刷的穷表亲,至今还没有得到真正应得的声誉。这可能部分是因为怀疑它不是永久性的。的确,早期的Kallitypes在被理解为固定之前就已经消失了,但我自己的怀疑是,它们可能比许多人所怀疑的更持久。请允许我就这一重要问题说几句话。</trans></span></font></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><trans oldtip="The Kallitype was without a doubt a very popular process in the 1880-1920 period of time. Many articles were published on how to make them. I have read more than one complaint published during this period that scoundrels were submitting Kallitypes into juried competitions disguised as platinums. Platinum printing was then, as it is today, an expensive proposition. I believe that this complaint was probably justified and I don’t doubt that such chicanery was occurring." newtip="毫无疑问,在1880年至1920年期间,卡利托是一个非常受欢迎的过程。发表了许多关于如何制作它们的文章。在这段时间里,我读过不止一份投诉,说恶棍们把卡利提斯送进伪装成排的陪审团比赛。当时的白金印刷,就像今天一样,是一个昂贵的选择。我相信这种抱怨可能是有道理的,我毫不怀疑这种诡计的发生。"><font size="5">毫无疑问,在1880年至1920年期间,卡利托是一个非常受欢迎的过程。发表了许多关于如何制作它们的文章。在这段时间里,我读过不止一份投诉,说恶棍们把卡利提斯送进伪装成排的陪审团比赛。当时的白金印刷,就像今天一样,是一个昂贵的选择。我相信这种抱怨可能是有道理的,我毫不怀疑这种诡计的发生。</font></trans></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><trans oldtip="I would also note that vintage Kallitypes from this period are rare today. I’ve asked a number of curators, photo historians, dealers and collectors about this and they all concur on this point. Interestingly too, is that they don’t see a lot of faded and discolored Kallitypes lurking about like albumens have a habit of doing." newtip="我也要指出,从这一时期的老式卡利他类型是罕见的今天。我问过许多馆长,摄影历史学家,商人和收藏家,他们都同意这一点。有趣的是,他们没有看到很多褪色和变色的Kallitypes潜伏在周围,就像蛋白有做的习惯一样。"><font size="5">我也要指出,从这一时期的老式卡利他类型是罕见的今天。我问过许多馆长,摄影历史学家,商人和收藏家,他们都同意这一点。有趣的是,他们没有看到很多褪色和变色的Kallitypes潜伏在周围,就像蛋白有做的习惯一样。</font></trans></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><font size="5"><trans oldtip="This leads me to my supposition:" newtip="这就引出了我的假设:">这就引出了我的假设:</trans><br><trans oldtip=" 1. Many Kallitypes were made in the Classical Period c. 1880-1920." newtip="1.在1880年至1920年的古典时期,制作了许多卡利特文。">1.在1880年至1920年的古典时期,制作了许多卡利特文。</trans><br><trans oldtip=" 2. They were to the eye, indistinguishable from platinotype (platinum) prints." newtip="2.在眼睛看来,它们与铂型(铂金)指纹是无法区分的。">2.在眼睛看来,它们与铂型(铂金)指纹是无法区分的。</trans><br><trans oldtip=" 3. Few exist from this period today" newtip="3.从这一时期至今,很少有人存在。">3.从这一时期至今,很少有人存在。</trans><br><br><trans oldtip=" Therefore:" newtip="因此:">因此:</trans><br><trans oldtip=" I propose that most are still masquerading as platinum prints. Since the only way to determine the true pedigree of the print is to subject it to very expensive x-ray spectroscopy or chemically damaging testing. I think most dealers, curators, and collectors find it easy to just assume they are platinums and just let it be at that. Since platinum prints are deemed more collectable and valuable than lowly Kallitypes, there is an incentive is to label them as such." newtip="我建议大多数人仍然伪装成白金指纹。因为唯一的方法,以确定真正的血统,印刷是对它进行非常昂贵的x射线光谱或化学损伤测试。我认为,大多数交易商、馆长和收藏家都会发现,他们很容易就假设自己是平台,就让它成为那样吧。由于白金版画被认为比低贱的Kallitypes更可收藏和更有价值,所以有一种动机就是给它们贴上标签。">我建议大多数人仍然伪装成白金指纹。因为唯一的方法,以确定真正的血统,印刷是对它进行非常昂贵的x射线光谱或化学损伤测试。我认为,大多数交易商、馆长和收藏家都会发现,他们很容易就假设自己是平台,就让它成为那样吧。由于白金版画被认为比低贱的Kallitypes更可收藏和更有价值,所以有一种动机就是给它们贴上标签。</trans></font></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><trans oldtip="Carlos Gasperinho of Lisbon Portugal is dedicated Kallitype printer drove his car around sunny Lisbon with a Kallitype print in the back window for a year and a half to test the archivalness of Kallitypes. He has reported that he took the print down as he felt the point had been proven. It was still unfaded.." newtip="葡萄牙里斯本的卡洛斯加斯佩里尼奥专门驾驶他的车绕着阳光明媚的里斯本行驶,在后车窗上印了一年半的卡利托类型,以测试卡利提斯的档案性。他报告说,他记下了指纹,因为他觉得这一点已经被证实了。它还没褪色..。"><font size="5">葡萄牙里斯本的卡洛斯加斯佩里尼奥专门驾驶他的车绕着阳光明媚的里斯本行驶,在后车窗上印了一年半的卡利托类型,以测试卡利提斯的档案性。他报告说,他记下了指纹,因为他觉得这一点已经被证实了。它还没褪色..。</font></trans></p><p style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><font size="5"><span class="articlesubhead" style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">制作优雅的Kallitype</span><span class="articletext" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><br></span><span class="articlesubhead" style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><br><trans oldtip=" The Emulsion" newtip="乳状液">乳状液</trans></span><span class="articletext" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><br><trans oldtip=" Take equal parts solution of:" newtip="采取等量的解决办法:">采取等量的解决办法:</trans><br><trans oldtip=" Solution &quot;A&quot; (10% Silver nitrate solution)" newtip="溶液“A”(10%硝酸银溶液)">溶液“A”(10%硝酸银溶液)</trans><br><trans oldtip=" Solution &quot;B&quot; (oxalic acid free 20% ferric oxalate solution)" newtip="溶液“B”(不含草酸的20%草酸铁溶液)">溶液“B”(不含草酸的20%草酸铁溶液)</trans><br><trans oldtip=" 1 drop of 50% Tween 20 ™ per emulsion for an 8x10 print may be used as a spreading agent and su**ctant.." newtip="1滴50%吐温20™/8x10印花乳液可作为分散剂和表面活性剂。">1滴50%吐温20™/8x10印花乳液可作为分散剂和表面活性剂。</trans><br><trans oldtip=" Use about 24 drops of each Solutions &quot;A&quot; and &quot;B&quot; per 8 x 10. The amount may vary according to the paper used." newtip="每8x10使用大约24滴每种溶液“A”和“B”。数量可能因所用纸张而异。">每8x10使用大约24滴每种溶液“A”和“B”。数量可能因所用纸张而异。</trans></span></font></p><p style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><font size="5"><span class="articlesubhead" style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">反差</span><span class="articletext" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><br><trans oldtip=" Advanced printers may adjust the contrast with small additions of 2% ammonium dichromate. If one drop is too strong dilute the solution." newtip="先进的打印机可以调整与2%重铬酸铵小剂量的对比。如果一滴太强,稀释溶液。">先进的打印机可以调整与2%重铬酸铵小剂量的对比。如果一滴太强,稀释溶液。</trans></span></font></p><p style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><font size="5"><span class="articlesubhead" style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">涂敷</span><span class="articletext" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><br><trans oldtip=" In a dimly lit room, coat paper with either a brush or coating rod. The paper should be liberally coated but not running wet." newtip="在灯光昏暗的房间里,用刷子或涂布棒涂上纸。这张纸应该涂上厚厚的一层,而不是湿的。">在灯光昏暗的房间里,用刷子或涂布棒涂上纸。这张纸应该涂上厚厚的一层,而不是湿的。</trans></span></font></p><p style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><font size="5"><span class="articlesubhead" style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">安息</span><span class="articletext" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><br><trans oldtip=" After coating, allow the paper to sit for about 1 to 2 minutes. The Tween 20 ™ will help even the coating out and pull it into the paper" newtip="涂布后,允许纸张静置约1至2分钟。吐温20™将有助于涂布均匀,并将其拉到纸上。">涂布后,允许纸张静置约1至2分钟。吐温20™将有助于涂布均匀,并将其拉到纸上。</trans></span></font></p><p style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><font size="5"><span class="articlesubhead" style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">烘干</span><span class="articletext" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><br><trans oldtip=" Dry under gentle heat. A hairdryer works fine or you may just let it air dry naturally if you are not in an extremely moist climate." newtip="在温和的高温下干燥。吹风机工作很好,或者你可能只是让它的空气干燥自然,如果你不是一个极端潮湿的气候。">在温和的高温下干燥。吹风机工作很好,或者你可能只是让它的空气干燥自然,如果你不是一个极端潮湿的气候。</trans></span></font></p><p style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><font size="5"><span class="articlesubhead" style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">印刷</span><span class="articletext" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><br><trans oldtip=" Contact print under sunlight or a UV light source. Print times are about 1 to 2 stops faster than traditional palladium and about the same speed as the Ziatype. There will be little print out image so timing will have to be done by trial and error or test strip. Kallitype prints will bleach in the fix, so either tone before fixing or overprint by a stop or two. These are the only effective solutions to the bleaching problem." newtip="在阳光下或紫外线光源下接触打印。印刷时间大约比传统的钯快1到2次,和Ziatype的速度差不多。会有很少打印出来的图像,所以计时将不得不通过试错或测试条。Kallitype打印会在修复中漂白,所以无论是固定前的色调还是一两次的重复打印。这些是解决漂白问题的唯一有效办法。">在阳光下或紫外线光源下接触打印。印刷时间大约比传统的钯快1到2次,和Ziatype的速度差不多。会有很少打印出来的图像,所以计时将不得不通过试错或测试条。Kallitype打印会在修复中漂白,所以无论是固定前的色调还是一两次的重复打印。这些是解决漂白问题的唯一有效办法。</trans></span></font></p><p style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><font size="5"><span class="articlesubhead" style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">发展中</span><span class="articletext" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><br><trans oldtip=" Place in the developer of your choice for at least one minute. Image will appear immediately so this must be done quickly, or else watermarks may appear. Holding the print in your hand over a tray and pouring the developer from a pitcher while dropping the print and quickly rocking the tray works well for some printers." newtip="在您选择的开发人员中放置至少一分钟。图像将立即出现,因此必须快速完成,否则可能会出现水印。将指纹拿在托盘上,从水罐中倒出显影者,同时放下指纹,快速摇晃托盘,对一些打印机来说效果很好。">在您选择的开发人员中放置至少一分钟。图像将立即出现,因此必须快速完成,否则可能会出现水印。将指纹拿在托盘上,从水罐中倒出显影者,同时放下指纹,快速摇晃托盘,对一些打印机来说效果很好。</trans></span></font></p><p style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><font size="5"><span class="articlesubhead" style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">固定</span><span class="articletext" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><br><trans oldtip=" Fix in dilute sodium thiosulfate of 25 grams to 1 liter of water. Water should be somewhat near the 68 degrees F. range as too warm will accelerate the bleaching. Fix for only 15 seconds and then quickly place in a tray of fresh water. This amount of fix will be sufficient for fixing 10 8 x 10 prints. It should be discarded after each printing session." newtip="将25克硫代硫酸钠稀释至1升水。水应该在华氏68度附近,因为太热会加速漂白。只需15秒,然后迅速将其放入一盘淡水中。这个数量的修复将足以固定108x10打印。它应该在每次打印会话之后被丢弃。">将25克硫代硫酸钠稀释至1升水。水应该在华氏68度附近,因为太热会加速漂白。只需15秒,然后迅速将其放入一盘淡水中。这个数量的修复将足以固定108x10打印。它应该在每次打印会话之后被丢弃。</trans></span></font></p><p style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><font size="5"><span class="articlesubhead" style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">清清</span><span class="articletext" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><br><trans oldtip=" Rinse in the fresh water for 30 seconds or so, then clear for 3 to 5 minutes in a bath of EDTA Tetrasodium of 20 grams to 1 liter of water. The EDTA may be reused until approximately 20 8x10’s have been cleared." newtip="在淡水中漂洗30秒左右,然后在EDTA四钠浴中洗3至5分钟,每次20克至1升水。EDTA可以重复使用,直到大约208x10‘s被清除。">在淡水中漂洗30秒左右,然后在EDTA四钠浴中洗3至5分钟,每次20克至1升水。EDTA可以重复使用,直到大约208x10‘s被清除。</trans></span></font></p><p style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><font size="5"><span class="articlesubhead" style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">最终洗涤</span><span class="articletext" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><br><trans oldtip=" Wash for 5 minutes and dry on archival blotters or screens." newtip="洗5分钟,在档案污迹或屏幕上晾干。">洗5分钟,在档案污迹或屏幕上晾干。</trans></span></font></p><p style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><font size="5"><span class="articlesubhead" style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">调色</span><span class="articletext" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><br><trans oldtip=" Kallitype prints may be toned with any of the noble metals. Toning is one way to keep Kallitype prints from bleaching during the fixing process, however, there will be color shifts and you will lose the prints original color. Toning will also increase the permanence of the Kallitype print." newtip="Kallitype的指纹可以用任何一种贵金属来润色。调色是一种方法,以防止Kallitype版画在固定过程中漂白,然而,会有颜色变化,你将失去原来的颜色。调色也会增加卡利式印刷的持久性。">Kallitype的指纹可以用任何一种贵金属来润色。调色是一种方法,以防止Kallitype版画在固定过程中漂白,然而,会有颜色变化,你将失去原来的颜色。调色也会增加卡利式印刷的持久性。</trans></span></font></p><p style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><font size="5"><span class="articlesubhead" style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">调色公式</span><span class="articletext" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><br><trans oldtip=" To 1 liter of water add 5 grams of citric acid." newtip="每升水加5克柠檬酸。">每升水加5克柠檬酸。</trans><br><trans oldtip=" Add to this mixture either:" newtip="在这种混合物中添加:">在这种混合物中添加:</trans><br><trans oldtip=" 5 ml of gold chloride 5%" newtip="5毫升氯化金5%">5毫升氯化金5%</trans><br><trans oldtip=" or" newtip="或">或</trans><br><trans oldtip=" 5 ml of standard palladium solution No. 3" newtip="标准钯3号溶液5毫升">标准钯3号溶液5毫升</trans><br><trans oldtip=" or" newtip="或">或</trans><br><trans oldtip=" 5 ml of standard platinum solution No. 3" newtip="5毫升标准铂溶液3号">5毫升标准铂溶液3号</trans></span></font></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><trans oldtip="After development and a thorough wash, place print in toning bath. Tone until desired color is reached. The noble metal salt in the toning bath will become depleted. A black deposit will appear in the bottom of the tray, which is silver that has been replaced by the noble metal. You may now fix, clear, and do the final wash. If a sufficient toning has been done, the print will not bleach back." newtip="显影后彻底洗净后,将打印品放入调色浴中。色调,直到达到所需的颜色。调色浴中的贵金属盐会耗尽。托盘底部会出现一层黑色的镀层,这是一种被贵金属取代的银。您现在可以修复,清除,并做最后的清洗。如果做了足够的调色,印就不会漂白回来。"><font size="5">显影后彻底洗净后,将打印品放入调色浴中。色调,直到达到所需的颜色。调色浴中的贵金属盐会耗尽。托盘底部会出现一层黑色的镀层,这是一种被贵金属取代的银。您现在可以修复,清除,并做最后的清洗。如果做了足够的调色,印就不会漂白回来。</font></trans></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><trans oldtip="One of the joys of handcoated photography (come might call it a curse) is the fact that there are many different opinions and ways to make the various kinds of prints. Beginners will probably be better off ignoring these side issues as they may be confusing, whereas the advanced printer might find them illuminating." newtip="手工摄影的乐趣之一(可能会被称为诅咒)是,有许多不同的意见和方法,以作出各种类型的版画。初学者最好忽略这些边问题,因为它们可能会令人困惑,而高级打印机可能会发现它们具有启发性。"><font size="5">手工摄影的乐趣之一(可能会被称为诅咒)是,有许多不同的意见和方法,以作出各种类型的版画。初学者最好忽略这些边问题,因为它们可能会令人困惑,而高级打印机可能会发现它们具有启发性。</font></trans></p><font size="5"><span class="articlesubhead" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><a name="notes"></a></span><span style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"></span></font><hr noshade="" style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><font size="5"><span class="articlesubhead" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">卡洛斯·加帕比尼奥用卡利托式印刷记录他的偏好</span><span class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">.<br><trans oldtip=" 1.) I do not like ** Stevens' formulas. I prefer much more concentrated" newtip="1.)我不喜欢迪克·史蒂文斯的公式。我更喜欢更集中">1.)我不喜欢迪克·史蒂文斯的公式。我更喜欢更集中</trans><br><trans oldtip=" solutions of ferric oxalate and silver nitrate. Images are a lot easier to" newtip="草酸铁和硝酸银溶液。图像要容易得多">草酸铁和硝酸银溶液。图像要容易得多</trans><br><trans oldtip=" control and much more fade resistant. I use ferric oxalate solutions up to" newtip="控制和更多的抗褪色。我使用草酸铁溶液">控制和更多的抗褪色。我使用草酸铁溶液</trans><br><trans oldtip=" 50% concentration." newtip="50%浓度">50%浓度</trans><br><trans oldtip=" 2.) Ammonia is a very important part of the fixing bath. I fix for about 3" newtip="2.)氨是固定浴中非常重要的一部分。我修3块左右">2.)氨是固定浴中非常重要的一部分。我修3块左右</trans><br><trans oldtip=" minutes and the fading is very slight. No more than one stop, which is" newtip="几分钟后就会慢慢褪色。不超过一站,即">几分钟后就会慢慢褪色。不超过一站,即</trans><br><trans oldtip=" easily compensated by the drying down process." newtip="容易被干燥过程补偿。">容易被干燥过程补偿。</trans><br><trans oldtip=" 3.) The only historical formula that somewhat resembles mine was published" newtip="3.)唯一与我的公式有点相似的历史公式已经出版了。">3.)唯一与我的公式有点相似的历史公式已经出版了。</trans><br><trans oldtip=" by Nelson C. Hawks in &quot;The Camera Craft&quot; of 1916 and republished in the" newtip="尼尔森·C·霍克斯(Nelson C.Hawks)在1916年的“相机工艺”(The Camera Craft)中">尼尔森·C·霍克斯(Nelson C.Hawks)在1916年的“相机工艺”(The Camera Craft)中</trans><br><trans oldtip=" &quothoto Miniature&quot; of January 1922. If you remove the potassium oxalate as a" newtip="1922年1月的“微型照片”。如果你把草酸钾">1922年1月的“微型照片”。如果你把草酸钾</trans><br><trans oldtip=" saturated solution you will end up with Fe. Ox. at 47% and silver nit. at 17%." newtip="饱和溶液,你最终会得到铁。牛。47%,银Nit。占17%。">饱和溶液,你最终会得到铁。牛。47%,银Nit。占17%。</trans><br><trans oldtip=" 4.) I tone most of the Kallitypes that I sell. Pt, Au or both. Final color" newtip="4.)我把我卖的大部分Kallitypes调了音。PT,Au或两者兼而有之。最终颜色">4.)我把我卖的大部分Kallitypes调了音。PT,Au或两者兼而有之。最终颜色</trans><br><trans oldtip=" is determined by the toner and by the initial color of the Kallitype, which" newtip="是由墨粉和Kallitype的初始颜色决定的。">是由墨粉和Kallitype的初始颜色决定的。</trans><br><trans oldtip=" depends not only from the developer used but also the sensitizer. Using the" newtip="不仅取决于所使用的开发人员,还取决于敏化剂。使用">不仅取决于所使用的开发人员,还取决于敏化剂。使用</trans><br><trans oldtip=" same sodium acetate developer and changing the relative quantities of Fe." newtip="相同的乙酸钠显色剂和改变铁的相对量。">相同的乙酸钠显色剂和改变铁的相对量。</trans><br><trans oldtip=" Ox and Silver Nit. I can get from sepia to deep black." newtip="牛和银币。我可以从紫黑色到深黑色。">牛和银币。我可以从紫黑色到深黑色。</trans><br><trans oldtip=" 5.) I use only one drop of dichromate (potassium works better) per 4x5" newtip="5.)我每4x5只使用一滴重铬酸钾(钾效果更好)。">5.)我每4x5只使用一滴重铬酸钾(钾效果更好)。</trans><br><trans oldtip=" print. I change the dilution of the dichromate to change the contrast." newtip="打印出来。我改变了重铬酸盐的稀释度来改变对比。">打印出来。我改变了重铬酸盐的稀释度来改变对比。</trans><br><trans oldtip=" 6.) The drying process is VERY important. The print must be su**ce dry and" newtip="6.)干燥过程非常重要。印刷品必须表面干燥">6.)干燥过程非常重要。印刷品必须表面干燥</trans><br><trans oldtip=" then quickly dried back and front with a very hot hair dryer." newtip="然后用非常热的吹风机迅速地前后擦干。">然后用非常热的吹风机迅速地前后擦干。</trans><br><trans oldtip=" 7.) Print in my car hasn't changed in about 1 1/2 years. I finally removed" newtip="7.)我车里的指纹已经有一年半没变了。我终于把">7.)我车里的指纹已经有一年半没变了。我终于把</trans><br><trans oldtip=" it. Point proven." newtip="它。点证明。">它。点证明。</trans></span><span style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">&nbsp;</span><br style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><br style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"></font><hr noshade="" style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><font size="5"><span class="articlesubhead" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">Kallitype过程的变化</span><span class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><br><trans oldtip=" Some brief notes by Peter Marshall (petermarshall@cix.compulink.co.uk)" newtip="彼得·马歇尔的一些简短笔记(petermarright@cix.testink.co.uk)">彼得·马歇尔的一些简短笔记(petermarright@cix.testink.co.uk)</trans></span><span style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"></span></font><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><trans oldtip="In the early 1840’s Sir John Herschel was the first to exploit the light-sensitivity of iron(III) salts in the production of photographic prints from negatives. In the presence of light, iron(III) is readily reduced by suitable reducing agents to give iron(II) . Herschel demonstrated a number of methods by which this iron(II) could then react further to produce a visible image by reducing metallic salts. He demonstrated that silver salts gave an image of silver (an Argentotype or Kallitype print), similarly platinum or palladium salts gave platinum prints, and gold gave gold prints or Chrysotypes. The iron(II) could also be used to produce a brown copper(I) oxide image by reducing copper(II) compounds. Herschel also introduced the Blueprint or Cyanotype, where the iron(II) in combination with hexacyanoferrate(III) ions forms the highly coloured complex Prussian Blue." newtip="在1840年早期,约翰?赫歇尔爵士是第一个利用铁(Iii)盐的光敏性从底片上生产照相版画的人。在有光的情况下,铁(Iii)容易被适当的还原剂还原成铁(Ii)。Herschel展示了许多方法,通过这些方法,这种铁(II)可以进一步反应,通过还原金属盐而产生可见的图像。他证明,银盐给出了银的图像(阿根廷型或卡利托型),类似的铂或钯盐给出了白金指纹,而黄金给出了金印或金纹。铁(II)还可以通过还原铜(II)化合物来产生褐色的铜(I)氧化物图像。Herschel还引入了蓝图或氰基型,其中铁(II)与六氰酸亚铁(III)离子结合形成了颜色较高的普鲁士蓝(PrussianBlue)。"><font size="5">在1840年早期,约翰?赫歇尔爵士是第一个利用铁(Iii)盐的光敏性从底片上生产照相版画的人。在有光的情况下,铁(Iii)容易被适当的还原剂还原成铁(Ii)。Herschel展示了许多方法,通过这些方法,这种铁(II)可以进一步反应,通过还原金属盐而产生可见的图像。他证明,银盐给出了银的图像(阿根廷型或卡利托型),类似的铂或钯盐给出了白金指纹,而黄金给出了金印或金纹。铁(II)还可以通过还原铜(II)化合物来产生褐色的铜(I)氧化物图像。Herschel还引入了蓝图或氰基型,其中铁(II)与六氰酸亚铁(III)离子结合形成了颜色较高的普鲁士蓝(PrussianBlue)。</font></trans></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><trans oldtip="The iron salt used was normally combined with a suitable reducing organic anion - such as oxalate , tartrate or citrate necessary for its reduction in the presence of light. Often these anions were used as their iron ammonium salts, which can normally be readily crystallised. For many purposes it is not actually necessary to isolate the pure iron compounds and they can often be prepared more cheaply and conveniently as solutions. Although iron(III) oxalate, for example, is readily available it can be made (see Appendix) cheaply and easily as the 20% solution normally required in Kallitype or platinum chemistry. Two methods are given here, one is much **r but has the possible disadvantage of producing a solution which also contains nitrate ions. Recent work by Mike Ware on an improved Kallitype process (the Argyrotype process) identifies the presence of oxidising anions - such as nitrate - as a major weakness of traditional methods. Such ions tend to oxidise the silver image, thus reversing the process by which it was formed and dissolving it as silver(I) ions. I have however used the solution prepared by this ** method with success for both Kallitype and platinum prints.." newtip="所使用的铁盐通常与适当的有机阴离子--如草酸、酒石酸或柠檬酸盐--在光存在下还原所需的有机阴离子结合。这些阴离子通常被用作铁铵盐,通常可以很容易地结晶。为了许多目的,实际上不需要分离纯铁化合物,而且它们通常可以作为溶液更便宜、更方便地制备。例如,尽管草酸铁(III)是现成的,但它可以廉价而容易地制造出来,因为20%的溶液通常需要在Kallitype或铂化学中使用。本文给出了两种方法,一种方法简单得多,但可能存在产生含有硝酸盐离子的溶液的缺点。MikeWare最近在改进的Kallitype工艺(银型工艺)上的工作发现,氧化阴离子--例如硝酸盐--的存在是传统方法的一个主要弱点。这些离子倾向于氧化银的图像,从而逆转其形成的过程,并将其溶解为银(I)离子。然而,我使用了这个简单的方法所准备的解决方案,成功地用于Kallitype和白金打印。"><font size="5">所使用的铁盐通常与适当的有机阴离子--如草酸、酒石酸或柠檬酸盐--在光存在下还原所需的有机阴离子结合。这些阴离子通常被用作铁铵盐,通常可以很容易地结晶。为了许多目的,实际上不需要分离纯铁化合物,而且它们通常可以作为溶液更便宜、更方便地制备。例如,尽管草酸铁(III)是现成的,但它可以廉价而容易地制造出来,因为20%的溶液通常需要在Kallitype或铂化学中使用。本文给出了两种方法,一种方法简单得多,但可能存在产生含有硝酸盐离子的溶液的缺点。MikeWare最近在改进的Kallitype工艺(银型工艺)上的工作发现,氧化阴离子--例如硝酸盐--的存在是传统方法的一个主要弱点。这些离子倾向于氧化银的图像,从而逆转其形成的过程,并将其溶解为银(I)离子。然而,我使用了这个简单的方法所准备的解决方案,成功地用于Kallitype和白金打印。</font></trans></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><trans oldtip="[Incidentally, according to the literature, blue prints may be made using the cheaply available iron(III) chloride and potassium oxalate/oxalic acid mixtures in place of the more expensive iron salts normally specified. Still having a large bottle of the green iron ammonium citrate I have yet to investigate this personally.]" newtip="[顺便说一句,根据文献,蓝图可以用廉价的氯化铁(三)氯化铁和草酸钾/草酸混合物来代替通常指定的更昂贵的铁盐。还有一大瓶枸橼酸铁绿铵,我还没有亲自对此进行调查。]"><font size="5">[顺便说一句,根据文献,蓝图可以用廉价的氯化铁(三)氯化铁和草酸钾/草酸混合物来代替通常指定的更昂贵的铁盐。还有一大瓶枸橼酸铁绿铵,我还没有亲自对此进行调查。]</font></trans></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><trans oldtip="Many earlier investigators applied themselves to the improvement of the iron/silver (Kallitype) process and countless variations exist. These were often minor and sometimes accidental - several much copied accounts include incorrect transcriptions of earlier work and mistakes in converting weights and measures occur frequently One major reason behind these experiments was a desire to improve the image quality, in particular to match the properties of the much more expensive platinum process. James Thomson in the early years of this century claimed to have produced results which very closely resemble platinum prints, and it was this that lead me to repeat his methods. His use of sensitisers with little or no silver also offered considerable economies. - the silver containing developer could be reused and only small amounts of silver were wasted in processing. I have made a number of prints following (with minor variations) his methods achieving good results on various papers. As Mike Ware6 suggests, the use of a su**ctant such as Tween 20 could control the absorption of solutions for best results on some su**ces. Possibly the gum Arabic in older formulae - such as Thomson’s - performed a similar role. Increasingly as I worked with his process I began to suspect that in the earlier years of the century Thomson had arrived at solutions to many of the problems that those working with the process in its current revival are still attempting to solve. Another advantage of the older methods is that they seem generally less sensitive to variations in the paper used." newtip="许多早期的研究者致力于改进铁/银(Kallitype)工艺,并且存在着无数的变化。这些往往是次要的,有时也是偶然的--几个复制得多的账户包括早期作品的不正确抄录和转换度量衡方面的错误经常发生--这些实验背后的一个主要原因是希望提高图像质量,特别是为了匹配价格更高的铂工艺的特性。詹姆斯·汤姆森(JamesThomson)在本世纪初声称自己的研究成果与白金指纹非常相似,正是这一点让我重复了他的方法。他用很少或根本没有白银的敏感者的使用也提供了相当大的节约。-含银显影剂可重复使用,只有少量的银被浪费在加工过程中。我做了一些印刷(与轻微的变化),他的方法,取得了良好的结果,在各种文件。正如MikeWare6所建议的,使用像吐温20这样的表面活性剂可以控制溶液的吸收,从而在某些表面上取得最佳效果。可能是旧配方中的**胶--比如汤姆森的--也起到了类似的作用。随着我与他的进程一起工作,我开始怀疑,在本世纪初,汤姆森已经找到了许多问题的解决方案,而那些在当前复兴进程中正在努力解决这些问题的人仍在试图解决这些问题。旧方法的另一个优点是,它们对所使用的文件的变化通常不太敏感。"><font size="5">许多早期的研究者致力于改进铁/银(Kallitype)工艺,并且存在着无数的变化。这些往往是次要的,有时也是偶然的--几个复制得多的账户包括早期作品的不正确抄录和转换度量衡方面的错误经常发生--这些实验背后的一个主要原因是希望提高图像质量,特别是为了匹配价格更高的铂工艺的特性。詹姆斯·汤姆森(JamesThomson)在本世纪初声称自己的研究成果与白金指纹非常相似,正是这一点让我重复了他的方法。他用很少或根本没有白银的敏感者的使用也提供了相当大的节约。-含银显影剂可重复使用,只有少量的银被浪费在加工过程中。我做了一些印刷(与轻微的变化),他的方法,取得了良好的结果,在各种文件。正如MikeWare6所建议的,使用像吐温20这样的表面活性剂可以控制溶液的吸收,从而在某些表面上取得最佳效果。可能是旧配方中的**胶--比如汤姆森的--也起到了类似的作用。随着我与他的进程一起工作,我开始怀疑,在本世纪初,汤姆森已经找到了许多问题的解决方案,而那些在当前复兴进程中正在努力解决这些问题的人仍在试图解决这些问题。旧方法的另一个优点是,它们对所使用的文件的变化通常不太敏感。</font></trans></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><trans oldtip="A further spur to experimentation with the Kallitype was its notorious susceptibility to fading. As Mike Ware6 has again clarified, the permanence of Kallitype prints depends largely on the removal of all residual iron compounds. Alkaline developers- such as the buffered borax/tartrate mixtures in common use - are likely to produce insoluble iron(III) hydroxide that is impossible to remove. Dallas Simpson gives details of a complex and ingeniously buffered silver developer to reduce this possibility. Using potassium sodium tartrate (Rochelle salts) without borax as developer would also be expected to improve permanence. Thomson’s method - outlined below - uses a ** mildly acidic developer and this was yet another reason for my attraction to it. Depending on the nature of the sensitiser and also on the moisture content of the paper, the Kallitype process may be largely a printing-out process thus eliminating the need for a developer (or using water as ‘developer’) and prints produced by such variations (eg the Van-Dyke process) are also more likely to be permanent." newtip="Kallitype实验的另一个**因素是它臭名昭著的易褪色性。正如MikeWare6再次澄清的那样,Kallitype打印的持久性在很大程度上取决于所有残留的铁化合物的去除。碱性显影剂--例如常用的硼砂/酒石酸混合物--很可能会产生无法去除的不溶铁(III)氢氧化物。达拉斯辛普森给出了一个复杂而巧妙的缓冲银开发人员的细节,以减少这种可能性。使用不含硼砂的酒石酸钾(罗谢尔盐)作为显影剂,也有望提高持久性。汤姆森的方法--下面概述--使用了一个简单的温和酸性的显色剂,这也是我吸引它的另一个原因。取决于感光剂的性质和纸张的水分含量,卡利托式工艺可能在很大程度上是一种印刷过程,从而消除了开发人员(或使用水作为“显影剂”)的需要,由这种变化产生的打印(如Van-Dyke工艺)也更有可能是永久性的。"><font size="5">Kallitype实验的另一个**因素是它臭名昭著的易褪色性。正如MikeWare6再次澄清的那样,Kallitype打印的持久性在很大程度上取决于所有残留的铁化合物的去除。碱性显影剂--例如常用的硼砂/酒石酸混合物--很可能会产生无法去除的不溶铁(III)氢氧化物。达拉斯辛普森给出了一个复杂而巧妙的缓冲银开发人员的细节,以减少这种可能性。使用不含硼砂的酒石酸钾(罗谢尔盐)作为显影剂,也有望提高持久性。汤姆森的方法--下面概述--使用了一个简单的温和酸性的显色剂,这也是我吸引它的另一个原因。取决于感光剂的性质和纸张的水分含量,卡利托式工艺可能在很大程度上是一种印刷过程,从而消除了开发人员(或使用水作为“显影剂”)的需要,由这种变化产生的打印(如Van-Dyke工艺)也更有可能是永久性的。</font></trans></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><trans oldtip="Similarly it is probably best to avoid the alkaline thiosulphate solution often recommended as a fixer - neutral (and very dilute) sodium thiosulphate does the job well. Acidic fixers should also be avoided, as bleaching of the image may occur under acidic conditions. Following fixing and washing, dilute citric acid may help to remove yet more of the residual iron salts. Gold-toning of the silver image - using conventional gold toners - should also give some protection to the image. Platinum toning was also used in the past and presents no problems other than the cost of the toner. Selenium might also be worth experimenting with, although some preliminary tests I did were not encouraging.." newtip="同样,最好避免碱性硫代硫酸钠溶液,通常推荐为固定剂,中性的(非常稀释的)硫代硫酸钠做得很好。还应避免酸性固定物,因为在酸性条件下可能会发生图像漂白。固定和洗涤后,稀释柠檬酸可能有助于去除更多的残余铁盐。使用传统的金色调色剂对银质图像进行调色,也会对图像起到一定的保护作用。白金调色在过去也被使用,除了墨粉的成本之外,没有其他的问题。硒也可能值得尝试,尽管我做过的一些初步测试并不是鼓舞人心的。"><font size="5">同样,最好避免碱性硫代硫酸钠溶液,通常推荐为固定剂,中性的(非常稀释的)硫代硫酸钠做得很好。还应避免酸性固定物,因为在酸性条件下可能会发生图像漂白。固定和洗涤后,稀释柠檬酸可能有助于去除更多的残余铁盐。使用传统的金色调色剂对银质图像进行调色,也会对图像起到一定的保护作用。白金调色在过去也被使用,除了墨粉的成本之外,没有其他的问题。硒也可能值得尝试,尽管我做过的一些初步测试并不是鼓舞人心的。</font></trans></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><trans oldtip="The majority of the superb vintage platinum prints from the golden age of platinum were on mechanically coated paper which was available in many variations and su**ces from 1879 to 1941. Commercial production of platinum/palladium paper was restarted in 1988 and the currently available (for example from Silverprint) Palladio paper is a very fine example of such a material.. Unless you find the fairly smooth paper on which it is coated too bland, there is now little incentive to coat one’s own paper.. In contrast, Kallitype was always a process for experimentation (Nicol himself briefly attempted to market a commercially produced paper but this was rapidly withdrawn because of its impermanence.). Any Kallitypes still visible are virtually certain to have been made on hand coated paper, often by workers who had their own individual ideas for combating the problems inherent to the process. To print Kallitypes you have always had to make your own paper and processing solutions; that some vintage prints are still in good condition with no signs of fading proves that it was possible to use the traditional processes with success." newtip="从黄金时代的白金时代,大多数精湛的老式白金版画都在机械涂布纸上,这是从1879年到1941年的许多变体和表面。铂/钯纸的商业生产于1988年重新开始,目前可用的(例如银印)Palladio纸就是这种材料的一个很好的例子。除非你发现涂在上面的纸相当光滑,否则现在几乎没有人愿意给自己的纸涂上外衣。相反,Kallitype一直是一个试验的过程(Nicol本人曾短暂地试图推销一种商业生产的纸张,但由于其短暂性,这一过程很快就被撤回)。任何仍然可见的Kallitypes实际上肯定是手工涂布纸上制作的,通常是由那些有自己的想法来解决这一过程中固有的问题的工人们制造的。要打印Kallitypes,您必须自己制作纸张和处理解决方案;一些老式印刷品仍处于良好状态,没有褪色的迹象,这证明使用传统工艺是可能的。"><font size="5">从黄金时代的白金时代,大多数精湛的老式白金版画都在机械涂布纸上,这是从1879年到1941年的许多变体和表面。铂/钯纸的商业生产于1988年重新开始,目前可用的(例如银印)Palladio纸就是这种材料的一个很好的例子。除非你发现涂在上面的纸相当光滑,否则现在几乎没有人愿意给自己的纸涂上外衣。相反,Kallitype一直是一个试验的过程(Nicol本人曾短暂地试图推销一种商业生产的纸张,但由于其短暂性,这一过程很快就被撤回)。任何仍然可见的Kallitypes实际上肯定是手工涂布纸上制作的,通常是由那些有自己的想法来解决这一过程中固有的问题的工人们制造的。要打印Kallitypes,您必须自己制作纸张和处理解决方案;一些老式印刷品仍处于良好状态,没有褪色的迹象,这证明使用传统工艺是可能的。</font></trans></p><p style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><font size="5"><span class="articlesubhead" style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">附录</span><span class="articletext" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><br><trans oldtip=" All normal safety precautions for handling chemicals should be observed in attempting the preparation and use of any of the following. In particular, attention is drawn to the poisonous nature of all soluble oxalates. Materials data sheets can be obtained from the suppliers of all chemicals which give details of the hazards involved." newtip="在尝试制备和使用下列任何一种化学品时,应遵守所有正常的化学品安全预防措施。特别是,提请注意所有可溶草酸盐的毒性。材料数据表可以从所有化学品的供应商那里获得,这些供应商提供有关危害的详细信息。">在尝试制备和使用下列任何一种化学品时,应遵守所有正常的化学品安全预防措施。特别是,提请注意所有可溶草酸盐的毒性。材料数据表可以从所有化学品的供应商那里获得,这些供应商提供有关危害的详细信息。</trans><br><br></span><span class="articlesubhead" style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">草酸铁溶液:简单方法</span><span class="articletext" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><br><trans oldtip=" I suggested and used this 20% ferric oxalate solution when assisting Terry King with workshops some years ago. We used it successfully in place of ferric oxalate in a number of formulae. Like most ferric oxalate solutions in old formulations it contains a small amount of oxalic acid." newtip="几年前,我在协助特里·金(TerryKing)举办研讨会时,建议并使用了这种20%草酸铁溶液。我们成功地用它代替了许多公式中的草酸铁。就像大多数草酸铁溶液中的老配方一样,它含有少量的草酸。">几年前,我在协助特里·金(TerryKing)举办研讨会时,建议并使用了这种20%草酸铁溶液。我们成功地用它代替了许多公式中的草酸铁。就像大多数草酸铁溶液中的老配方一样,它含有少量的草酸。</trans><br><br><trans oldtip=" iron(III) nitrate nonahydrate 8.5g" newtip="非水合物硝酸铁8.5g">非水合物硝酸铁8.5g</trans><br><trans oldtip=" potassium oxalate monohydrate 5.8g" newtip="一水草酸钾5.8g">一水草酸钾5.8g</trans><br><trans oldtip=" oxalic acid 0.25g" newtip="草酸0.25g">草酸0.25g</trans><br><br><trans oldtip=" In subdued light, dissolve in distilled water to give 20 ml, store at least 24 hours before use. Keep in brown bottle." newtip="在柔和的光线下,溶于蒸馏水中给予20毫升,储存至少24小时后使用。藏在棕色瓶子里。">在柔和的光线下,溶于蒸馏水中给予20毫升,储存至少24小时后使用。藏在棕色瓶子里。</trans><br><br><trans oldtip=" This solution contains nitrate ions which may cause some solution of silver images to dissolve in some processes." newtip="该溶液含有硝酸根离子,在某些过程中可能会引起某些银像溶液的溶解。">该溶液含有硝酸根离子,在某些过程中可能会引起某些银像溶液的溶解。</trans></span></font></p><p style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><font size="5"><span class="articlesubhead" style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">草酸铁溶液</span><span class="articletext" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><br><trans oldtip=" This is a well known method, published (with slight variations) in various sources." newtip="这是一种众所周知的方法,在各种来源中发表(略有变化)。">这是一种众所周知的方法,在各种来源中发表(略有变化)。</trans><br><trans oldtip=" Carry out in subdued or safe light." newtip="在柔和或安全的光线下进行。">在柔和或安全的光线下进行。</trans><br><br><trans oldtip=" Dissolve 42 g ferrous ammonium sulphate [(NH4)2Fe(SO4)2.6H20] in the minimum quantity of distilled water. (You can also use the cheaper ferrous sulphate, [FeSO4.7H20), in which case 30 g are required, and the water should be acidified with a little dilute sulphuric acid before dissolving the compound.)" newtip="用最少蒸馏水溶解42克硫酸亚铁铵[(NH4)2Fe(SO4)2.6H20]。(你也可以使用更便宜的硫酸亚铁,[FeSO4.7H20],在这种情况下需要30克,在溶解该化合物之前,水应该用一点稀释的硫酸酸化。)">用最少蒸馏水溶解42克硫酸亚铁铵[(NH4)2Fe(SO4)2.6H20]。(你也可以使用更便宜的硫酸亚铁,[FeSO4.7H20],在这种情况下需要30克,在溶解该化合物之前,水应该用一点稀释的硫酸酸化。)</trans><br><br><trans oldtip=" Dissolve 13.0 g oxalic acid in about 100ml water and add to the ferrous sulphate solution. Allow the precipitate to settle, decant off the clear solution and discard. Add distilled water stir, allow to settle and again decant. Repeat 3 further times." newtip="将13.0g草酸溶于100毫升左右的水中,加入硫酸亚铁溶液中。让沉淀物沉淀下来,除去清晰的溶液,然后丢弃。加入蒸馏水搅拌,让沉淀和再次下垂。再重复3次。">将13.0g草酸溶于100毫升左右的水中,加入硫酸亚铁溶液中。让沉淀物沉淀下来,除去清晰的溶液,然后丢弃。加入蒸馏水搅拌,让沉淀和再次下垂。再重复3次。</trans><br><trans oldtip=" Add a further 7.5g of oxalic acid in about 70 ml of water to the solid." newtip="在大约70毫升的水中再加入7.5克草酸到固体中。">在大约70毫升的水中再加入7.5克草酸到固体中。</trans></span></font></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><trans oldtip="Add 30% hydrogen peroxide solution in small portions with stirring until clear green solution is obtained there is no effervescence on addition. (The amount required is very variable as the peroxide solution deteriorates on keeping.) Test for the presence of ferrous compound (see below) and continue addition as necessary until a negative test is obtained." newtip="加入30%的过氧化氢溶液,用搅拌小份搅拌,直到得到清澈的绿色溶液,在加入时没有气泡。(所需的量是非常可变的,因为过氧化物溶液在保存过程中会变坏。)测试铁化合物的存在(见下文),并在必要时继续添加,直到检测结果为阴性为止。"><font size="5">加入30%的过氧化氢溶液,用搅拌小份搅拌,直到得到清澈的绿色溶液,在加入时没有气泡。(所需的量是非常可变的,因为过氧化物溶液在保存过程中会变坏。)测试铁化合物的存在(见下文),并在必要时继续添加,直到检测结果为阴性为止。</font></trans></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><trans oldtip="Make to 100 ml for use." newtip="制成100毫升供使用。"><font size="5">制成100毫升供使用。</font></trans></p><p style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><font size="5"><span class="articlesubhead" style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">草酸铁溶液的试验</span><span class="articletext" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><br><trans oldtip=" To 5 drops of the ferric oxalate solution add 1 drop potassium ferricyanide." newtip="在5滴草酸铁溶液中加入1滴铁**。">在5滴草酸铁溶液中加入1滴铁**。</trans><br><trans oldtip=" Anything more than a slight blue colour shows the presence of significant amounts of ferrous compound, and more peroxide should be added." newtip="任何超过轻微的蓝色显示有大量的铁化合物存在,并应添加更多的过氧化物。">任何超过轻微的蓝色显示有大量的铁化合物存在,并应添加更多的过氧化物。</trans></span></font></p><p style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><font size="5"><span class="articlesubhead" style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">替代工艺级草酸铁的来源</span><span class="articletext" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><br><trans oldtip=" Ferric oxalate can be obtained from specialist suppliers of materials for alternative processes, in particular:" newtip="可从替代工艺材料的专业供应商获得草酸铁,特别是:">可从替代工艺材料的专业供应商获得草酸铁,特别是:</trans></span></font></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><font size="5"><trans oldtip="BOSTICK AND SULLIVAN" newtip="博斯克和沙利文">博斯克和沙利文</trans><br><trans oldtip=" PO Box 16639" newtip="信箱16639">信箱16639</trans><br><trans oldtip=" Santa Fe, NM 87506-6639" newtip="圣达菲,NM 87506-6639">圣达菲,NM 87506-6639</trans><br>505-474-0890<br><trans oldtip=" Hours: 9:30 am-5pm" newtip="时间:上午九时三十分至下午五时">时间:上午九时三十分至下午五时</trans></font></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><font size="5"><trans oldtip="** Sullivan can be contacted by email as richsul@roadrunner.com" newtip="迪克·沙利文可通过电子邮件联系,地址为rich领事@roudrunner.com。">迪克·沙利文可通过电子邮件联系,地址为rich领事@roudrunner.com。</trans><br><trans oldtip=" They will send catalogues on request and ship items to the UK. As a guide, 100 gm bottle of ferric oxalate" newtip="他们将根据要求发送目录,并将物品运往英国。作为指南,100克的草酸铁瓶">他们将根据要求发送目录,并将物品运往英国。作为指南,100克的草酸铁瓶</trans><br><trans oldtip=" powder is currently $47.00." newtip="粉末目前是47.00美元。">粉末目前是47.00美元。</trans></font></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><trans oldtip="Ferric oxalate from non-photographic suppliers may contain too much iron(II) to be suitable for photographic purposes." newtip="来自非摄影供应商的草酸铁可能含有太多的铁(Ii),不适合摄影用途。"><font size="5">来自非摄影供应商的草酸铁可能含有太多的铁(Ii),不适合摄影用途。</font></trans></p><p style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><font size="5"><span class="articlesubhead" style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">银显影法</span><span class="articletext" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><br><trans oldtip=" This is taken - with minor changes - from the article by James Thomson in The Photo-Miniature, Vol. VI Dec 1904, No. 69 ; amounts have been converted into metric units. The instructions have been rewritten for clarity. Like all such formulae, it should be regarded as a starting point for experimentation rather than a stone tablet. The copper(II) chloride was probably intended to remove any iron(II) present as an impurity in the ferric oxalate and may probably be omitted without loss of quality, although, as mentioned above it may also form some copper(I) oxide as a part of the image.." newtip="这是从詹姆斯汤姆森在照片-微型,第一卷的文章-与小改动。1904年12月6日,第69号;数额已转换为公制单位。为了清楚起见,已重写了说明。和所有这些公式一样,它应该被看作是一个实验的起点,而不是一块石碑。铜(Ii)氯化物可能是为了除去草酸铁中作为杂质存在的任何铁(Ii),而且很可能在不损失质量的情况下被省略,尽管如上所述,它也可能形成一些铜(I)氧化物作为图像的一部分。">这是从詹姆斯汤姆森在照片-微型,第一卷的文章-与小改动。1904年12月6日,第69号;数额已转换为公制单位。为了清楚起见,已重写了说明。和所有这些公式一样,它应该被看作是一个实验的起点,而不是一块石碑。铜(Ii)氯化物可能是为了除去草酸铁中作为杂质存在的任何铁(Ii),而且很可能在不损失质量的情况下被省略,尽管如上所述,它也可能形成一些铜(I)氧化物作为图像的一部分。</trans></span></font></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><trans oldtip="[This sensitiser may also be used to produce platinum prints by using a platinum containing developer in the place of the silver developer given here.]" newtip="[这种敏化剂也可用于用含白金的显色剂代替白银显色剂生产白金印花。]"><font size="5">[这种敏化剂也可用于用含白金的显色剂代替白银显色剂生产白金印花。]</font></trans></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><trans oldtip="Kallitypes produced by this process can be difficult or impossible to distinguish visually from platinum or platinum/palladium prints, although they may lack the long-term permanence of these." newtip="这一过程产生的卡利图可能很难或不可能在视觉上与铂或铂/钯印刷区分开来,尽管它们可能缺乏这些印刷的长期持久性。"><font size="5">这一过程产生的卡利图可能很难或不可能在视觉上与铂或铂/钯印刷区分开来,尽管它们可能缺乏这些印刷的长期持久性。</font></trans></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><trans oldtip="To a brown bottle, add in order given without shaking:" newtip="放入棕色瓶子,按顺序添加,不摇动:"><font size="5">放入棕色瓶子,按顺序添加,不摇动:</font></trans></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><font size="5"><trans oldtip="water 14 ml" newtip="水14毫升">水14毫升</trans><br><trans oldtip=" ferric ammonium citrate 1.67 g (I used the green salt, although Thomson probably used the brown.)" newtip="柠檬酸铁铵1.67g(我用绿盐,汤姆森可能用棕色)。">柠檬酸铁铵1.67g(我用绿盐,汤姆森可能用棕色)。</trans><br><trans oldtip=" ferric oxalate 1.0 g *" newtip="草酸铁1.0克*">草酸铁1.0克*</trans><br><trans oldtip=" copper(II) chloride 0.54 g" newtip="氯化铜0.54克">氯化铜0.54克</trans><br><trans oldtip=" potassium oxalate 2.21 g" newtip="草酸钾2.21克">草酸钾2.21克</trans><br><trans oldtip=" gum Arabic 0.67 g" newtip="**胶0.67克">**胶0.67克</trans><br><trans oldtip=" (* or use only 9 ml of water and 5 ml of the 20% ferric oxalate solution prepared as above.)" newtip="(*或只使用9毫升水及5毫升20%草酸铁溶液。)">(*或只使用9毫升水及5毫升20%草酸铁溶液。)</trans></font></p><p style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><font size="5"><span class="articletext" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">然后在15毫升蒸馏水中加入硝酸银溶液(1.0g),然后加入1.0克草酸。</span><span class="articletext" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">在黑暗中离开24小时。搅拌均匀,然后通过棉或玻璃羊毛过滤,只去除任何颗粒(黄色重沉淀物是必要的过程)。</span></font></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><trans oldtip="Coat the paper with the suspension using a brush, wetting the sheet as quickly as possible without leaving any pools. Allow to su**ce dry, then use low heat (30-40°C) to complete drying. For smooth hard su**ces you may need to apply a second coat . (Adding Tween 20 might be worth investigating in these cases.)" newtip="用刷子在纸上涂上悬浮液,尽可能快地润湿床单,而不留下任何水池。允许表面干燥,然后用低热(30-40°C)完成干燥.对于光滑的硬质表面,你可能需要再涂一层。(在这些案件中添加吐温20可能值得调查。)"><font size="5">用刷子在纸上涂上悬浮液,尽可能快地润湿床单,而不留下任何水池。允许表面干燥,然后用低热(30-40°C)完成干燥.对于光滑的硬质表面,你可能需要再涂一层。(在这些案件中添加吐温20可能值得调查。)</font></trans></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><trans oldtip="Expose until only the deepest shadows are visible and immerse face down in the developer, turning over immediately to see that there are no air bubbles." newtip="曝光,直到只有最深的阴影是可见的,沉浸在开发人员的脸,立即翻过来看没有气泡。"><font size="5">曝光,直到只有最深的阴影是可见的,沉浸在开发人员的脸,立即翻过来看没有气泡。</font></trans></p><p style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><font size="5"><span class="articlesubhead" style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">开发人员库存解决方案</span><span class="articletext" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><br><trans oldtip=" Water 100 ml" newtip="水100毫升">水100毫升</trans><br><trans oldtip=" silver nitrate 9.25 g" newtip="硝酸银9.25克">硝酸银9.25克</trans><br><trans oldtip=" citric acid 2.32 g" newtip="柠檬酸2.32g">柠檬酸2.32g</trans><br><trans oldtip=" di-sodium orthophosphate 0.46 g" newtip="磷酸二钠0.46g">磷酸二钠0.46g</trans><br><trans oldtip=" (Na2HPO4 - 12H2O may be listed simply as sodium phosphate or as dibasic sodium phosphate. The equivalent potassium compound may also be used - half the mass will be needed.)" newtip="(Na2HPO4-12H2O可简单地列为磷酸钠或二碱性磷酸钠。也可以使用等量的钾化合物--需要质量的一半。">(Na2HPO4-12H2O可简单地列为磷酸钠或二碱性磷酸钠。也可以使用等量的钾化合物--需要质量的一半。</trans></span></font></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><trans oldtip="For working solution, add 13ml of this solution and about 0.2 g of oxalic acid (for blue-black tones, increasing this goes towards brown-black) to 100ml water. The stock and working solution should be stored in brown bottles. Both keep reasonably well. The developer given for Satista below is probably a suitable alternative if di-sodium orthophosphate is not available." newtip="对于工作溶液,加入13毫升的这个溶液和大约0.2克的草酸(对于蓝-黑色调,增加到棕色-黑色)到100毫升的水。库存和工作液应储存在棕色瓶子中。两者都保持得相当好。如果没有二磷酸二钠,下面给出的开发人员可能是一个合适的替代方案。"><font size="5">对于工作溶液,加入13毫升的这个溶液和大约0.2克的草酸(对于蓝-黑色调,增加到棕色-黑色)到100毫升的水。库存和工作液应储存在棕色瓶子中。两者都保持得相当好。如果没有二磷酸二钠,下面给出的开发人员可能是一个合适的替代方案。</font></trans></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><trans oldtip="Development should be complete in about a minute but may be continued longer if needed." newtip="开发应该在大约一分钟内完成,但如果需要,可以持续更长时间。"><font size="5">开发应该在大约一分钟内完成,但如果需要,可以持续更长时间。</font></trans></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><trans oldtip="Rinse for a minute or two in clean water (avoid alkaline water - tap water may need to be made neutral or slightly acid by the addition of a very small pinch of citric acid.) and then fix in very weak plain hypo (3 to 4 g in a litre). Wash and dry." newtip="用清水冲洗一两分钟(避免碱水--自来水可能需要加入少量柠檬酸,使其中性或微酸)。然后固定在非常弱的平原低氧(每升3到4克)。洗干。"><font size="5">用清水冲洗一两分钟(避免碱水--自来水可能需要加入少量柠檬酸,使其中性或微酸)。然后固定在非常弱的平原低氧(每升3到4克)。洗干。</font></trans></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><trans oldtip="In view of Mike Ware’s comments on causes of fading in the Kallitype it might be wise to investigate the use of a further hypo clear or citric acid bath or baths after fixing and a short wash to remove any residual iron salts from the paper." newtip="鉴于MikeWare对Kallitype褪色原因的评论,最好是在固定后再使用一次低次清澈或柠檬酸浴或洗浴,并进行短期清洗以去除纸张中的任何残余铁盐。"><font size="5">鉴于MikeWare对Kallitype褪色原因的评论,最好是在固定后再使用一次低次清澈或柠檬酸浴或洗浴,并进行短期清洗以去除纸张中的任何残余铁盐。</font></trans></p><p style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><font size="5"><span class="articlesubhead" style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">SATISTA过程</span><span class="articletext" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><br><trans oldtip=" In 1913 the Platinotype Company patented the Satista process , an attempt to produce prints resembling platinum but containing a much smaller amount of platinum together with the less expensive silver. Marketed the following year, this does not seem to have been particularly successful commercially, but was apparently still available until the early thirties.. Thomson also published the formula below for those wishing to make similar prints - it differs from the patented formula in using a silver developer. Figure 1 - despite the inadequacies in reproduction - suggests the delicacies in tone available in prints made by this process. The original is a cold black and virtually identical to a pure platinum print made from the same negative, although the separation of mid-tones is possibly slightly better. There is no fading visible in this print after over four years (unfortunately this cannot be said for some of the Kallitypes I made using the borax/Rochelle salt developer.)" newtip="1913年,普拉蒂诺型公司获得了萨蒂斯塔工艺的专利,试图生产出类似白金的印刷品,但含有的白金含量要小得多,同时也含有较便宜的白银。在接下来的一年里,这种产品在商业上似乎并不特别成功,但显然直到三十年代初才开始销售。汤姆森还为那些希望制作类似印刷品的人发布了以下配方--这与专利配方在使用银显影剂时的不同之处。图1--尽管在复制方面存在不足--显示了这一过程所产生的印刷品中的色调的微妙之处。原版是一个冷黑色,几乎完全相同的纯白金版画由同样的负片,虽然中间色调的分离可能是稍微好一点。四年多后,这张照片上没有褪色的痕迹(不幸的是,对于我使用硼砂/罗谢尔盐开发公司生产的一些Kallitypes来说,这是不可能的)。">1913年,普拉蒂诺型公司获得了萨蒂斯塔工艺的专利,试图生产出类似白金的印刷品,但含有的白金含量要小得多,同时也含有较便宜的白银。在接下来的一年里,这种产品在商业上似乎并不特别成功,但显然直到三十年代初才开始销售。汤姆森还为那些希望制作类似印刷品的人发布了以下配方--这与专利配方在使用银显影剂时的不同之处。图1--尽管在复制方面存在不足--显示了这一过程所产生的印刷品中的色调的微妙之处。原版是一个冷黑色,几乎完全相同的纯白金版画由同样的负片,虽然中间色调的分离可能是稍微好一点。四年多后,这张照片上没有褪色的痕迹(不幸的是,对于我使用硼砂/罗谢尔盐开发公司生产的一些Kallitypes来说,这是不可能的)。</trans></span></font></p><p style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><font size="5"><span class="articlesubhead" style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">铂溶液</span><span class="articletext" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><br><trans oldtip=" Potassium chloroplatinite 1.0 g" newtip="氯铂钾1.0g">氯铂钾1.0g</trans><br><trans oldtip=" 20% ortho-phosphoric acid 6.5 ml" newtip="20%原磷酸6.5毫升">20%原磷酸6.5毫升</trans><br><trans oldtip=" water to 65 ml" newtip="水至65毫升">水至65毫升</trans></span></font></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><trans oldtip="[To avoid any chance of expensive mistakes, the formula of the platinum compound is K2PtCl4 and it is the salt used in traditional platinum printing.]" newtip="[为了避免出现昂贵的错误,铂化合物的配方是K2PtCl4,它是传统白金印刷中使用的盐。]"><font size="5">[为了避免出现昂贵的错误,铂化合物的配方是K2PtCl4,它是传统白金印刷中使用的盐。]</font></trans></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><trans oldtip="Given the high cost of platinum compounds you may wish to prepare the diluted acid solution without platinum and only add the platinum compound as required for use." newtip="考虑到铂化合物的高成本,您可能希望制备不含铂的稀酸溶液,并且只添加所需的铂化合物。"><font size="5">考虑到铂化合物的高成本,您可能希望制备不含铂的稀酸溶液,并且只添加所需的铂化合物。</font></trans></p><p style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><font size="5"><span class="articlesubhead" style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">敏化剂</span><span class="articletext" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><br><trans oldtip=" This sensitiser may also be used for platinum prints - a platinum containing developer is then required rather than the silver developer given below. It enables platinum prints to be produced using approximately one half to two thirds the normal amount of platinum per print" newtip="这种感光剂也可以用于白金印花--然后需要含有白金的显色剂,而不是下面给出的银显色剂。它使白金版画可以使用大约一半到三分之二的普通数量的白金印刷。">这种感光剂也可以用于白金印花--然后需要含有白金的显色剂,而不是下面给出的银显色剂。它使白金版画可以使用大约一半到三分之二的普通数量的白金印刷。</trans></span></font></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><trans oldtip="It may also - without the platinum solution - be used for Kallitypes." newtip="它也可能--没有白金溶液--也可用于卡利他别类。"><font size="5">它也可能--没有白金溶液--也可用于卡利他别类。</font></trans></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><font size="5"><trans oldtip="Ferric oxalate solution (20%) 5 ml" newtip="草酸铁溶液(20%)5ml">草酸铁溶液(20%)5ml</trans><br><trans oldtip=" water 20 ml" newtip="水20毫升">水20毫升</trans><br><trans oldtip=" ferric ammonium citrate (green) 1.0g" newtip="柠檬酸铁铵(绿)1.0g">柠檬酸铁铵(绿)1.0g</trans><br><trans oldtip=" potassium oxalate 1.0g" newtip="草酸钾1.0g">草酸钾1.0g</trans><br><trans oldtip=" platinum solution (see above) 0.5 ml" newtip="铂溶液(见上文)0.5毫升">铂溶液(见上文)0.5毫升</trans><br><trans oldtip=" potassium dichromate solution (5%) 0.05 to 0.5 ml (alters contrast)" newtip="重铬酸钾溶液(5%)0.05至0.5ml(改变对比)">重铬酸钾溶液(5%)0.05至0.5ml(改变对比)</trans><br><trans oldtip=" gum Arabic 0.5 g" newtip="**胶0.5克">**胶0.5克</trans><br><trans oldtip=" Stand for 24 hours before use." newtip="使用前24小时站立。">使用前24小时站立。</trans></font></p><p style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><font size="5"><span class="articlesubhead" style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">股票开发解决方案</span><span class="articletext" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><br><trans oldtip=" Water 48 ml" newtip="水48毫升">水48毫升</trans><br><trans oldtip=" silver nitrate 4.0 g" newtip="硝酸银4.0克">硝酸银4.0克</trans><br><trans oldtip=" citric acid 1.0 g" newtip="柠檬酸1.0克">柠檬酸1.0克</trans><br><trans oldtip=" oxalic acid 1.0 g" newtip="草酸1.0克">草酸1.0克</trans><br><br><trans oldtip=" Use 1 + 7" newtip="使用1+7">使用1+7</trans></span></font></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><font size="5"><trans oldtip="rocessing is exactly as for the Kallitype above, although the developer formulation given differs slightly - probably either could be used for either process." newtip="处理过程与上面的Kallitype完全一样,尽管给出的开发人员公式略有不同--可能这两种方法都可以用于任何一个过程。">处理过程与上面的Kallitype完全一样,尽管给出的开发人员公式略有不同--可能这两种方法都可以用于任何一个过程。</trans><br><trans oldtip=" I have also experimented with various other developers containing silver for both the Kallitype and Satista sensitisers above, including silver ammonium carbonate and other similar solutions. However, being alkaline, their use is probably not to be recommended. The buffered ammoniacal silver tartrate proposed by Dallas Simpson7 would appear to be a more suitable choice for rod development. A syringe (without needle) is used to deposit a small amount of developer along one side of the print, outside of the picture area. A lightly held glass or acrylic rod is then used to draw this across the print - a similar technique to the coating of prints using a rod. A suitable rod can be made from a piece of glass tubing or rod roughly 10 cm longer than the width of the print, bending it at 90 degrees about 4 cm from each end. The volume of solution used has to be great enough to avoid any noticeable weakening of print values due to developer exhaustion as it crosses the print. The syringe can be used to remove excess solution from the print for re-use with replenishment if greater economy is desired." newtip="我还与其他开发人员进行了试验,这些开发人员为上述Kallitype和Satista敏化剂都含有银,包括碳酸银铵和其他类似的解决方案。然而,由于是碱性的,它们的使用可能是不推荐的。达拉斯辛普森7提出的缓冲氨化酒石酸银似乎是更适合于棒材开发的选择。注射器(没有针头)用于在打印的一侧,在图片区域外,沉积少量显影剂。然后用一种轻轻握着的玻璃或丙烯酸棒把它画在印刷品上--这是一种类似于用棒子涂印的技术。一个合适的杆可以由一片玻璃管或棒子制成,长度约比印刷宽度长10厘米,在90度处弯曲,距离两端约4厘米。所使用的解决方案的数量必须足够大,以避免任何明显的削弱打印值,因为开发人员的耗尽,因为它跨越打印。注射器可以用来去除多余的溶液,从打印,以重复使用与补充,如果更大的经济需要。">我还与其他开发人员进行了试验,这些开发人员为上述Kallitype和Satista敏化剂都含有银,包括碳酸银铵和其他类似的解决方案。然而,由于是碱性的,它们的使用可能是不推荐的。达拉斯辛普森7提出的缓冲氨化酒石酸银似乎是更适合于棒材开发的选择。注射器(没有针头)用于在打印的一侧,在图片区域外,沉积少量显影剂。然后用一种轻轻握着的玻璃或丙烯酸棒把它画在印刷品上--这是一种类似于用棒子涂印的技术。一个合适的杆可以由一片玻璃管或棒子制成,长度约比印刷宽度长10厘米,在90度处弯曲,距离两端约4厘米。所使用的解决方案的数量必须足够大,以避免任何明显的削弱打印值,因为开发人员的耗尽,因为它跨越打印。注射器可以用来去除多余的溶液,从打印,以重复使用与补充,如果更大的经济需要。</trans></font></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><trans oldtip="I have also produced gold prints by similar methods, but was unable to get really satisfactory or reproducible results - the prints tended to a rather pale lilac." newtip="我也用类似的方法制作了黄金版画,但没有得到真正令人满意或可复制的结果-这些指纹趋向于淡紫色。"><font size="5">我也用类似的方法制作了黄金版画,但没有得到真正令人满意或可复制的结果-这些指纹趋向于淡紫色。</font></trans></p><p class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><trans oldtip="Although I have carefully checked the details, some errors may have crept in (my own laboratory notes are sometimes very difficult to read for a start!). If you find any errors or have any comments or suggestions or corrections I would like to know and would hope that these could also be published here. I hope that the information here encourages others to experiment with the Kallitype and helps them to produce the results they want. Sometimes in all the concentration on details and procedures we can forget that this is what really matters." newtip="虽然我仔细检查了细节,但还是有一些错误出现了(我自己的实验室记录有时很难开始阅读!)如果你发现任何错误,或有任何评论,建议或更正,我想知道,并希望这些也可以发表在这里。我希望这里的信息鼓励其他人尝试Kallitype,并帮助他们产生他们想要的结果。有时,在所有的专注于细节和程序,我们可以忘记,这才是真正重要的。"><font size="5">虽然我仔细检查了细节,但还是有一些错误出现了(我自己的实验室记录有时很难开始阅读!)如果你发现任何错误,或有任何评论,建议或更正,我想知道,并希望这些也可以发表在这里。我希望这里的信息鼓励其他人尝试Kallitype,并帮助他们产生他们想要的结果。有时,在所有的专注于细节和程序,我们可以忘记,这才是真正重要的。</font></trans></p><font size="5"><span class="articlesubhead" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><a name="toning"></a></span><span style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"></span></font><hr noshade="" style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><font size="5"><span class="articlesubhead" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">Kallitypes的氰型调色</span><span class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><br><trans oldtip=" From Judy Seigal" newtip="朱迪·赛加尔">朱迪·赛加尔</trans><br><trans oldtip=" As for Carlos's mention of blue kallitypes -- they're easy enough to get" newtip="至于卡洛斯提到的蓝色卡利图--它们很容易得到">至于卡洛斯提到的蓝色卡利图--它们很容易得到</trans><br><trans oldtip=" (as are blue VDB's) by blue toning, using your regular cyanotype" newtip="(和蓝色的VDB一样)通过蓝色调色,使用常规的氰基型">(和蓝色的VDB一样)通过蓝色调色,使用常规的氰基型</trans><br><trans oldtip=" formula. Take 10cc solution A, 10 CC solution B, about 70 cc of 28%" newtip="公式。取10 cc溶液A,10 CC溶液B,约70 cc,28%">公式。取10 cc溶液A,10 CC溶液B,约70 cc,28%</trans><br><trans oldtip=" acetic acid and 20 or so ounces of water. (I did that from memory so" newtip="醋酸和20盎司左右的水。(我是从记忆中这么做的">醋酸和20盎司左右的水。(我是从记忆中这么做的</trans><br><trans oldtip=" check formula before consigning your best prints to the waves.)" newtip="检查公式,然后再把你最好的打印到波浪中。)">检查公式,然后再把你最好的打印到波浪中。)</trans></span><span style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">&nbsp;</span><br style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><a name="oxalic" id="oxalic" style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"></a><span style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"></span></font><hr noshade="" style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><font size="5"><span class="articlesubhead" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">无草酸草酸铁的制备</span><span class="articletext" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><br><trans oldtip=" You will need:" newtip="你需要:">你需要:</trans><br><trans oldtip=" Solution &quot;A&quot;: 2.5 grams of silver nitrate to 25 ml distilled water." newtip="溶液A:2.5克硝酸银至25毫升蒸馏水。">溶液A:2.5克硝酸银至25毫升蒸馏水。</trans><br><trans oldtip=" Solution &quot;B&quot;: 10 grams of ferric nitrate to 25 ml water." newtip="溶液“B”:10克硝酸铁加入25毫升水。">溶液“B”:10克硝酸铁加入25毫升水。</trans><br><trans oldtip=" 1.) With 100 ml of ferric oxalate solution in a small beaker or cup make your initial test by taking 10 drops of the ferric oxalate solution and placing it in a small shot glass or plastic taco sauce container." newtip="1.)在一个小烧杯或杯子中加入100毫升草酸铁溶液,通过服用10滴草酸铁溶液并将其放入一个小玻璃杯或塑料玉米饼酱容器中进行初步测试。">1.)在一个小烧杯或杯子中加入100毫升草酸铁溶液,通过服用10滴草酸铁溶液并将其放入一个小玻璃杯或塑料玉米饼酱容器中进行初步测试。</trans><br><trans oldtip=" 2.) Add a drop or two of the silver nitrate. If a yellow precipitate forms in 15 seconds, there is free oxalic acid. The yellow precipitate is silver oxalate." newtip="2.)加入一两滴硝酸银。如果在15秒内形成黄色沉淀,就会产生游离草酸。黄色沉淀为草酸银。" style="background: rgb(247, 238, 255); color: rgb(5, 70, 126);">2.)加入一两滴硝酸银。如果在15秒内形成黄色沉淀,就会产生游离草酸。黄色沉淀为草酸银。</trans><br><trans oldtip=" 3.) If you get the yellow precipitate, then add a few drops of the ferric nitrate and stir for about 30 seconds." newtip="3.)如果你得到黄色沉淀,然后加入几滴硝酸铁,并搅拌约30秒。">3.)如果你得到黄色沉淀,然后加入几滴硝酸铁,并搅拌约30秒。</trans><br><trans oldtip=" 4.) Repeat steps 2 and 3 until no precipitate is formed." newtip="4.)重复步骤2和3,直到没有形成沉淀。">4.)重复步骤2和3,直到没有形成沉淀。</trans></span><span style="color: rgb(153, 102, 51); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">&nbsp;</span></font><p></p>
图灵ART c.n.dby@163.com http://blog.sina.com.cn/artzoom

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